At an early age I was introduced to fishing by my dad and grandfather. These fishing trips set the foundation for the passion I have for the sport of fishing.
During one of my family visits near Chickamuagua Lake, I got the chance to fish my first tournament. Even though we didnt win that night, I was hooked on the sport of competitive bass fishing.
Fast forwarding to 2010, while attending Northwest Shoal Community College, a fellow classmate got me started participating in college tournament bass fishing. That year we teamed up and competed across the country in the Southern Collegiate Bass Fishing Trail and Boat US Collegiate Bass Fishing Series. The next two years I acted as president of the Northwest Shoals Community College Fishing Team. In my final year I was able to finish in 5th place at the Boat U.S. National Championship on Pickwick Lake. Those three years competing at the college level helped build my knowledge of bass fishing as well as gave me some of the best memories.
After graduating in the summer of 2012, I made it one of my many goals to be able to make a living bass fishing. The next year I began fishing the FLW BFLs and sharing my passion and knowledge for fishing through guiding on Pickwick and Wilson Lake.
In the 2014 season, I accomplished one of my goals by achieving Angler of the Year in the Choo Choo Division. This goal was just the start of many more that I want to accomplish. However, I couldn't have achieved all of this without the support of my family and friends. Thank you to those who have supported me and continue to support me along the way.